
The ophthalmologist will use a local anesthetic to make the eye numb so that you will not have pain during the surgery. In some people, however, the lens becomes excessively cloudy and can impair vision.

The lens is a natural tissue within the eye that is responsible for focusing light onto the retina. Cataract removal is most often performed to better examine the back of the eye when monitoring for damage from certain diseases such as diabetes or glaucoma and to improve vision. As a normal part of aging, the lens begins to cloud and causes a gradual, painless loss in vision.

These lenses work just like the eye’s natural lens, and are made of highly pliable, comfortable material to focus light onto the retina. Once the clouded lens has been removed, London Eye Hospital can replace it with the widest range of intra ocular lenses (IOL) to perfectly suit your needs. Surgery is the only effective treatment as the lens in the eye will need to be removed and replaced.

In their initial stages cataracts can be treated with stronger prescription glasses and an adjustment in the brightness of lights. The development of a nuclear cataract may actually temporarily improve your near vision for a short period of time, but this will soon worsen as the condition progresses. The clouding or misting of the lens prevents light from passing through the eye and being focused onto the retina.

Toric lenses use a special shape and targeted power to correct astigmatism as well as distance vision. It is possible to use these lenses to obtain monovision, which refers to correcting one eye for farsightedness and the other eye for nearsightedness. The cataract is removed using ultrasound energy, then an artificial lens is inserted into the eye.

When a cataract deteriorates your vision, your best option is the surgical removal of the cataract, and placement of an intraocular lens that permanently corrects your vision. A cataract occurs when the normally clear lens inside the eye becomes cloudy or opaque. In the early stages of cataract development, vision may be improved simply by a change in glasses prescription.

Other factors that increase the risk of developing cataracts include cigarette smoke, air pollution, and heavy alcohol use. Cataracts often form slowly and cause few symptoms. A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye This clouding can weaken vision.

These additional fees cover the cost of the lens or LASIK technology and the added physician and technician time required to make the appropriate calculations necessary for your eyes. If you have significant astigmatism before surgery, then this lens option will provide you with a better opportunity to have clear distance vision without glasses. You can have a standard monofocal intraocular lens for near or distance vision and continue to wear glasses or contact lenses to correct the astigmatism.

The purpose of cataract surgery is to improve the quality of vision that can be obtained with the best possible glasses or contact lens prescription you can be given. Vision may not be completely normal after cataract surgery because these or other abnormalities may not have been diagnosed before cataract surgery was performed. The goal of cataract surgery is to correct the decreased vision that is caused by the cataract.

Your vision will usually be stable within two to three weeks, at which time glasses or contact lenses will be prescribed if necessary. Postoperative care: Your eye will be examined the day after surgery by your surgeon or an eye doctor chosen by your surgeon, and then at intervals determined by your surgeon. The LensSx® allows complete customization for each patient, providing the best opportunity to get the vision you want after cataract surgery.

Emory Eye Center surgeons provide the latest technology for your cataract surgery, the femtosecond laser assisted LenSx® system This precision-based system is bladeless, computer-controlled and performed to exacting, individualized specifications. The cataract is then replaced by a clear plastic lens which helps improve your vision. A small cut is made in your eye and the opaque (cloudy) lens is removed using an ultrasound probe.

Wearing sunglasses that protect the eyes from ultraviolet light is recommended. Cataract surgery also carries a risk of infection and bleeding inside the eye and increased risk of retinal detachment. While it may take a day or two for the eyes to synchronise, people generally report that vision improves quickly, being able to return to normal activities within about two weeks.

If cataracts affect both eyes, only one eye is operated on at a time. Surgery involves making a small incision in the front of the eye, through which the old lens is removed and a new IOL is inserted. The symptoms of early cataracts may be improved with new prescription glasses and stronger lighting.

Steinkuller PG. Cataract: the leading cause of blindness and vision loss in Africa. In a similar 5-year mortality analysis, patients with cataracts who were younger than 75 years had significantly higher age-specific rates of mortality than would be expected from US life tables. As such, early detection, close monitoring, and timely surgical intervention must be observed in the management of senile cataracts.

Senile cataract is an age-related, vision-impairing disease characterized by gradual progressive thickening of the lens of the eye. Cataracts can be related to other conditions because they increase the risk of other conditions. Smoking: People who smoke have a much higher risk of developing cataracts.

The personalized lens implants provide optimal visual outcome, decreasing the likelihood of eyeglass prescriptions post-cataract surgery. In addition to aging, injuries sustained to the eye, smoking, excessive sun exposure and diseases like glaucoma or diabetes bare some major causes of cataract formation. Currently, there is no medical treatment to reverse or prevent the development of cataracts.

Cataract is defined as an opacity of the crystalline lens of the eye or its capsule, resulting in changes of the transparency and refractive index of the lens (1). Unlike most cataracts, posterior subcapsular cataracts can develop rather quickly and affect vision more suddenly than either nuclear or cortical cataracts. When the central portion of the lens is most affected, which is the most common situation, these are termed nuclear cataracts.

Cataracts commonly affect both eyes, but it is not uncommon for cataracts in one eye to advance more rapidly. The lens plays a crucial role in focusing unimpeded light on the retina at the back of the eye. Such cataracts reduce visual acuity more when the pupil constricts (eg, in bright light, during reading).

A posterior subcapsular cataract disproportionately affects vision because the opacity is located at the crossing point of incoming light rays. Trauma (sometimes causing cataracts years later) In the US, almost 20% of people aged 65 to 74 have cataracts that interfere with vision.

When kids are born with cataracts, it may be because they inherited the cataracts (through their genes ) or got them when they were still developing inside their mom before being born. Cataracts almost always happen only in people who are older than 50. In fact, most people will develop cataracts at some point in their lives as they get older. You and your eye doctor can discuss your cataract treatment options and come to a decision together.

The surgeon will remove your clouded lens and replace it with an intraocular lens (IOL) to best address your individual vision needs.
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